d_wv: water vapour gradient (mol / m ^ 3)

.get_dwv(T_leaf, pars, unitless)



Leaf temperature in Kelvin


Concatenated parameters (leaf_par, enviro_par, and constants)


Logical. Should function use parameters with units? The function is faster when FALSE, but input must be in correct units or else results will be incorrect without any warning.


Value in mol / m^3 of class units


Water vapour gradient: The water vapour pressure differential from inside to outside of the leaf is the saturation water vapor pressure inside the leaf (p_leaf) minus the water vapor pressure of the air (p_air):

$$d_\mathrm{wv} = p_\mathrm{leaf} / (R T_\mathrm{leaf}) - RH p_\mathrm{air} / (R T_\mathrm{air})$$

Note that water vapor pressure is converted from kPa to mol / m^3 using ideal gas law.

\(p_\mathrm{air}\)p_airsaturation water vapour pressure of airkPacalculated
\(p_\mathrm{leaf}\)p_leafsaturation water vapour pressure inside the leafkPacalculated
\(R\)Rideal gas constantJ / (mol K)8.3144598
\(\mathrm{RH}\)RHrelative humidity%0.50
\(T_\mathrm{air}\)T_airair temperatureK298.15
\(T_\mathrm{leaf}\)T_leafleaf temperatureKinput


# Water vapour gradient: 

leaf_par <- make_leafpar()
enviro_par <- make_enviropar()
constants <- make_constants()
pars <- c(leaf_par, enviro_par, constants)
T_leaf <- set_units(300, K)
T_air <- set_units(298.15, K)
p_leaf <- set_units(35.31683, kPa)
p_air <- set_units(31.65367, kPa)

d_wv <- p_leaf / (pars$R * T_leaf) - pars$RH * p_air / (pars$R * T_air)