h_vap: heat of vaporization (J / mol)

.get_hvap(T_leaf, unitless)



Leaf temperature in Kelvin


Logical. Should function use parameters with units? The function is faster when FALSE, but input must be in correct units or else results will be incorrect without any warning.


Value in J/mol of class units


Heat of vaporization: The heat of vaporization (\(h_\mathrm{vap}\)) is a function of temperature. I used data from on temperature and \(h_\mathrm{vap}\) from Nobel (2009, Appendix 1) to estimate a linear regression. See Examples.


Nobel PS. 2009. Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology. 4th Edition. Academic Press.


# Heat of vaporization and temperature
## data from Nobel (2009)

T_K <- 273.15 + c(0, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60)
h_vap <- 1e3 * c(45.06, 44.63, 44.21, 44.00, 
                 43.78, 43.35, 42.91, 42.47) # (in J / mol)
fit <- lm(h_vap ~ T_K)

## coefficients are 56847.68250 J / mol and 43.12514 J / (mol K)

#> (Intercept)         T_K 
#> 56847.68250   -43.12514 

T_leaf <- 298.15
h_vap <- set_units(56847.68250, J / mol) - 
           set_units(43.12514, J / mol / K) * set_units(T_leaf, K)

## h_vap at 298.15 K is 43989.92 [J/mol]

set_units(h_vap, J / mol)
#> 43989.92 [J/mol]

tealeaves:::.get_hvap(set_units(298.15, K), FALSE)
#> 43989.92 [J/mol]