tleaves: find leaf temperatures for multiple parameter sets

tleaf: find leaf temperatures for a single parameter set

  progress = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  set_units = TRUE,
  parallel = FALSE

tleaf(leaf_par, enviro_par, constants, quiet = FALSE, set_units = TRUE)



A list of leaf parameters. This can be generated using the make_leafpar function.


A list of environmental parameters. This can be generated using the make_enviropar function.


A list of physical constants. This can be generated using the make_constants function.


Logical. Should a progress bar be displayed?


Logical. Should messages be displayed?


Logical. Should units be set? The function is faster when FALSE, but input must be in correct units or else results will be incorrect without any warning.


Logical. Should parallel processing be used via future_map?



A tibble with the following units columns

abs_lAbsorbtivity of longwave radiation (unitless)
abs_sAbsorbtivity of shortwave radiation (unitless)
g_swStomatal conductance to H2O (\(\mu\)mol H2O / (m^2 s Pa))
g_uwCuticular conductance to H2O (\(\mu\)mol H2O / (m^2 s Pa))
leafsize Leaf characteristic dimension(m)
logit_srStomatal ratio (logit transformed; unitless)
PAtmospheric pressure (kPa)
RHRelative humidity (unitless)
S_lwincident long-wave radiation flux density (W / m^2)
S_swincident short-wave (solar) radiation flux density (W / m^2)
T_airAir temperature (K)
windWind speed (m / s)
T_leafEquilibrium leaf tempearture (K)
valueLeaf energy balance (W / m^2) at tleaf
convergenceConvergence code (0 = converged)
R_absTotal absorbed radiation (W / m^2; see .get_Rabs)
S_rThermal infrared radiation loss (W / m^2; see .get_Sr)
HSensible heat flux density (W / m^2; see .get_H)
LLatent heat flux density (W / m^2; see .get_L)
EEvapotranspiration (mol H2O/ (m^2 s))


A data.frame with the following numeric columns:

T_leafEquilibrium leaf temperature (K)
valueLeaf energy balance (W / m^2) at tleaf
convergenceConvergence code (0 = converged)
R_absTotal absorbed radiation (W / m^2; see .get_Rabs)
S_rLongwave re-radiation (W / m^2; see .get_Sr)
HSensible heat flux density (W / m^2; see .get_H)
LLatent heat flux density (W / m^2; see .get_L)
EEvapotranspiration (mol H2O/ (m^2 s))


# tleaf for single parameter set:

leaf_par <- make_leafpar()
enviro_par <- make_enviropar()
constants <- make_constants()
tleaf(leaf_par, enviro_par, constants)
#> Solving for T_leaf ...
#>  done
#>         T_leaf         value convergence            R_abs              S_r
#> 1 301.4181 [K] -2.122124e-08           0 1363.813 [W/m^2] 907.9499 [W/m^2]
#>                  H                L                      E          Ar       Gr
#> 1 107.3552 [W/m^2] 348.5078 [W/m^2] 0.00794791 [mol/m^2/s] 0.004827203 788182.4
#>         Re       g_bw
#> 1 12778.08 0.02972824

# tleaves for multiple parameter set:

enviro_par <- make_enviropar(
  replace = list(
    T_air = set_units(c(293.15, 298.15), K)
tleaves(leaf_par, enviro_par, constants)
#> Solving for T_leaf from 2 parameter sets...
#> # A tibble: 2 × 25
#>   abs_l abs_s     g_sw  g_uw leafs…¹ logit…²     P   r  RH    S_sw T_air  wind
#>     [1]   [1] [umol/P[umo[m]     [1] [kPa] [1] [1] [W/m^2]   [K] [m/s]
#> 1  0.97   0.5        5   0.1     0.1       0  101. 0.2 0.5    1000  293.     2
#> 2  0.97   0.5        5   0.1     0.1       0  101. 0.2 0.5    1000  298.     2
#> # … with 13 more variables: T_sky [K], T_leaf [K], value <dbl>,
#> #   convergence <dbl>, R_abs [W/m^2], S_r [W/m^2], H [W/m^2], L [W/m^2],
#> #   E [mol/m^2/s], Ar <dbl>, Gr <dbl>, Re <dbl>, g_bw <dbl>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​leafsize, ²​logit_sr
#> # ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names